Poem 2 Abraham Lincoln’s Letter to his Son’s Teacher KSEEB SSLC CLASS 10 ENGLISH SOLUTIONS

Poem 2 Abraham Lincoln’s Letter to his Son’s Teacher KSEEB SSLC CLASS 10 ENGLISH SOLUTIONS


Poem 2 Abraham Lincoln’s Letter to his Son’s Teacher KSEEB SSLC CLASS 10 ENGLISH SOLUTIONS English medium Karnataka state board,the Answers Are Prepared By Our Teachers Which Are Simple ,Pointwise,Easy To Read And Remember .

Poem 2 Abraham Lincoln’s Letter to his Son’s Teacher KSEEB SSLC CLASS 10 ENGLISH SOLUTIONS
A. Answer the following questions briefly:

1.In the first line, ‘he’ refers to ___________; and ‘I’ refers to ____________.


– ‘he’ refers to the son; ‘I’ refers to Abraham Lincoln.

  1. The first line, “He will have to learn” means that


– b. the son has no choice.

  1. ‘‘…….all men are not just all men are not true.’’ These lines convey


– b. the harsh reality of life.

  1. The statement “for every scoundrel there is a hero” means


– b. for every bad person in this world, there is a good person.

  1. Why is it important for a child to learn that the world is also filled with heroes, dedicated leaders and friends?

– It provides hope and inspiration, showing that goodness exists amidst negativity.

  1. The first seven lines emphasize

– c. both the positive and the negative sides of life.

7.Pick out the line which says that hard earned money has greater value than easy money.

– “That a dollar earned is of far more value than five found…”

  1. What does the phrase “learn to lose” mean?

– It means accepting defeat graciously and learning from it.

  1. In what sense is it more honorable to fail than to cheat?

– Failing with integrity teaches valuable lessons and maintains moral character.

  1. a. Why doesn’t the father want his son to follow the crowd?

– To encourage independent thinking and integrity.

b. How can this value be linked to having faith in oneself?

– It fosters confidence in one’s own beliefs and decisions.

  1. What kind of a listener does the father want his son to be?

– A discerning listener who filters information through a screen of truth.

  1. a. Is it possible to laugh when one is sad?

– Yes, laughter can be a way to cope with sadness.

  – b. What value is the writer highlighting here?

– The value of finding joy even in difficult times.

  1. What does Lincoln mean when he says, “too much sweetness”?

– It refers to being overly naive or trusting.

  1. What does the poet-father mean by “close his ears to a howling mob”?

– To not be swayed by public opinion or peer pressure.

  1. What is the ultimate teaching Lincoln recommends, and to what end?

– Teaching his son to have sublime faith in himself, leading to faith in humanity.

  1. Lincoln does not want his son “to put a price tag on his soul”. What does he mean by this?

– He advises his son to prioritize integrity and moral values over material gain.

  1. Why is it essential for someone to have “sublime faith in mankind”?

– It fosters trust and positive expectations towards others, promoting mutual respect and cooperation.

  1. In the line, “This is a big order”

a. What does “this” refer to?

– Teaching all the values mentioned in the poem.

    – b. What does “a big order” mean here?

– It means a challenging or difficult task.

  1. When the father says, “This is a big order,” it implies

c.that the task of teaching such values is too difficult for any teacher or school.

  1. There are a few other expressions which indicate that the task of inculcating such values is not easy for the teacher or the school. Pick out the expressions.


– “It will take time, I know…”

– “This is a big order…”

  1. The poem has a long list of contrasting values.

– e.g.: bully X hero, selfish politician X dedicated leader, etc.

  1. Identify the lines which highlight the following qualities or values:


– a. to be positive and optimistic: “Teach him… the wonder of books.”

– b. to be able to accept failure and defeat: “Teach him to learn to lose…”

– c. to be able to appreciate what is beyond human understanding: “Teach him… the eternal mystery of birds in the sky, bees in the sun…”

– d. to have faith and belief in oneself: “Teach him always to have sublime faith in himself…”

– e. not to tread the beaten track: “the strength not to follow the crowd…”

– f. not being gullible: “teach him also to filter all he hears…”

– g. to be able to discriminate the right from the wrong: “steer him away from envy… teach him the secret of quiet laughter…”

B.Close Study
Read the following extracts carefully. Discuss in pairs and then write the answers to the questions given below them

1.Teach him that for every enemy there is a friend.

It will take time, I know;
a) What does the first line mean?
b) What human virtue is highlighted here?
c) What will take time?


a) Meaning of the first line: This means that despite encountering adversaries, there are also people who will support and befriend you.

b) Highlighted human virtue: Trust or faith in friendship and human relationships.

c) What will take time: Teaching someone to recognize and appreciate the presence of friends alongside challenges.

2.Only the test of fire makes fine steel.

a) Whom is this line meant for?
b) Explain the literal meaning of the line.
c) What human virtue is emphasized here?


a)Intended audience: This line is meant for anyone facing challenges or difficulties.

b) Literal meaning: True strength and excellence are only achieved through enduring difficult trials, just as fire is needed to forge and strengthen steel.

c) Emphasized human virtue: Resilience or the ability to grow stronger through adversity.


Discuss in pairs/groups of four each, the answers to the following questions. Individually, note down the important points for each question and then develop the points into one paragraph answers :

  1. Teach him to listen to all men but teach him to filter all he hears on a screen of truth.

– Importance of Listening:

– Learning to listen to others helps gain different perspectives and understand diverse viewpoints.

– Allows for gathering information and learning from others’ experiences.

– Filtering on a Screen of Truth:

– Encourages critical thinking and discernment.

– Helps distinguish between factual information and opinions or biases.

– Teaches the importance of seeking evidence and verifying facts before forming conclusions.

– Promotes integrity and honesty in understanding and communicating information.

  1. Do you agree with the poet when he says, “Only the test of fire makes fine steel”?“Only the test of fire makes fine steel.”
    Give reasons to support your point of view

– Explanation of the Metaphor:

– The metaphor suggests that challenges and difficulties (the ‘test of fire’) are necessary to refine and strengthen character (‘fine steel’).

– Implies that overcoming hardships builds resilience and improves one’s abilities.

– Reasons to Agree:

– Challenges provide opportunities for growth and improvement.

– Adversity builds strength of character and determination.

– Successes achieved through struggle are more satisfying and meaningful.

– Difficulties teach valuable lessons and prepare individuals for future challenges.

– Personal Reflection:

– Personally, I agree with the poet because facing challenges has taught me valuable lessons and made me stronger.

– Overcoming obstacles has shown me that perseverance leads to success and personal development.

Paragraph Writing:

  1. “Teach him to listen to all men but teach him to filter all he hears on a screen of truth.”


These lines emphasize the importance of being open-minded yet discerning. By encouraging us to listen to everyone, they suggest that understanding diverse perspectives enriches our own knowledge and broadens our worldview. However, the crucial part lies in filtering these inputs through a screen of truth. This means critically evaluating information, distinguishing facts from opinions or biases. It promotes intellectual honesty and teaches us to base our beliefs on evidence and reason rather than mere hearsay. By learning to filter information, we not only cultivate a deeper understanding of issues but also develop a strong sense of integrity in how we form opinions and make decisions.

  1. “Only the test of fire makes fine steel.”” Give reasons to support your point of view.


The metaphorical expression by the poet underscores the idea that challenges and difficulties are essential for personal growth and development. It suggests that just as fire refines raw metal into strong, durable steel, adversity and hardships refine our character and capabilities. I agree with this sentiment because it resonates with my own experiences. Overcoming obstacles has taught me resilience and perseverance. Each challenge I’ve faced has been an opportunity to learn and grow stronger, both mentally and emotionally. Moreover, achieving success after overcoming difficulties has been particularly gratifying, reinforcing my belief that challenges indeed refine us and prepare us for future endeavors.

Work in groups of four or five each
  1. a) List all the values which the poet-father wants the teacher to teach his son:

– Integrity

– Courage

– Empathy

– Resilience

– Honesty

– Critical thinking

– Self-confidence

– Compassion

– Perseverance

– Humility

– Respect for others

– Open-mindedness

b) Pick out any three values which your teachers should teach students. State your reasons:

– Integrity: Students need to learn the importance of honesty and ethical behavior, which are foundational for trustworthiness and building positive relationships.

-Critical thinking: Developing the ability to analyze information critically helps students make informed decisions, solve problems effectively, and differentiate between fact and opinion.

-Resilience:Learning to bounce back from setbacks builds emotional strength and prepares students to handle challenges in life with perseverance and optimism.

c) Make suggestions on how those three values in the poem could be taught:

– Integrity: Teachers can model integrity through their own actions and create classroom environments where honesty is valued. Assignments that emphasize originality and ethical behavior can reinforce this value.

– Critical thinking: Encourage discussions where students analyze different perspectives on issues. Assign projects that require research and evaluation of sources for accuracy and bias.

– Resilience: Provide opportunities for students to reflect on their failures and setbacks as learning experiences. Offer support and encouragement to help them persevere through difficult tasks or situations.

 2: The poet-father contrasts each harsh lesson that his son willhave to learn with a truth about the world. Write down five such examples. The first one is done for you.


The harsh lesson that the father wants his son to learn:

  1. Don’t follow the crowd.
  2. Not all men are just.
  3. A dollar earned is more valuable than five found.
  4. Learn to lose gracefully and enjoy winning.
  5. Avoid envy; learn the secret of quiet laughter.

The truth about the world/people:

  1. Everyone is getting on the bandwagon.
  2. All men are not true.
  3. Earning through hard work is more rewarding than windfall gains.
  4. Victory is sweetest when tempered with humility in defeat.
  5. True happiness comes from within and is not diminished by others’ successes.

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