CHAPTER 21 WORLD CHALLENGES AND INDIAS ROLE KSEEB SSLC CLASS 10 SOCIAL SCIENCE SOLUTIONS,English medium Karnataka state board,the Answers Are Prepared By Our Teachers Which Are Simple ,
I.Fill in the blanks with suitable words:
1.Human Rights Day is celebrated on December 10th.
2.India is consistently championing universal Human Rights.
3.Human Rights include racial, gender, caste, color, and nationality equality.
II.Discuss in group and answer the following questions.
1 .What were the main problems faced after second world war?
Main problems faced after World War II:
- Denial of human rights due to discrimination based on religion, race, gender, caste, color, and nationality.
- Race of armaments leading to global tension and insecurity.
- Economic inequality among nations, stemming from historical colonialism and exploitation.
- Rise of terrorism, causing fear and damage to individuals and societies.
2 .Explain Indian role in favour of Human Rights.
Indian role in favor of Human Rights:
- India championed universal human rights and provided for fundamental rights in its constitution.
- Actively participated in the UN General Assembly to advocate for basic rights globally.
- Supported the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the UN in 1948.
- Opposed evils like slave trade, human trafficking, child labor, and exploitation of women.
- Stood against genocide, exploitation, and oppression through international forums.
3. Arms race will lead to world destruction explain the effects of arms competition in this background.
Effects of arms competition leading to world destruction:
- Arms race fosters fear, insecurity, and tension globally.
- Heavy economic burden as resources are diverted towards armaments instead of societal development.
- Threat of nuclear warfare and mutual assured destruction (MAD).
- Bilateral agreements like the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT) aimed at curbing nuclear proliferation.
- Serious efforts needed to prevent wars for future global safety.
4 .What are the features of economic backwardness of nations? What are the reasons for this?
Features of economic backwardness of nations and reasons:
- Lack of sufficient capital for development in agriculture, industry, transportation, education, and healthcare.
- Dependence on foreign aid due to colonial exploitation and underdevelopment.
- Exploitation of economic inequality by advanced nations for their own interests.
- Legacy of imperialism hampering progress in formerly colonized countries.
5 .What are the reforms to have economic equality in India?
Reforms for economic equality in India:
- Advocacy for economic assistance to needy countries without strings attached.
- Policy of non-alignment to oppose neo-imperialism.
- Promotion of smooth flow of capital investment from affluent nations.
- Support for fair international trade policies to benefit economically weaker nations.
6 .What are the effects of terrorism?
. Effects of terrorism:
- Creates fear and insecurity among civilians and governments.
- Causes heavy psychological impact and societal disruption.
- Targets vulnerable areas such as markets, transportation hubs, and government institutions.
- Can be fueled by religious, political, ideological, or separatist motives.
- Terrorism undermines peace, stability, and progress in affected regions.
7. What are the measures taken to curb terrorism in India?
Measures taken to curb terrorism in India:
- Establishment of anti-terrorist forces specially trained to combat terrorism.
- Involvement of defense forces to counter terrorist threats.
- Cooperation with neighboring countries and assistance in restraining terrorist activities.
- Continuous efforts by central and state governments to control terrorism and protect citizens and property.
- Firm stance against terrorism in national and international forums.
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